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Review of Artistic Education disseminate research in the field of artistic education and the Center for Intercultural Studies and Research of the Department for Teachers Education (DTE) at the "George Enescu" National University of Arts Iasi, Romania.



new release - No 29-30, year 2025
Issue 27-28/2024 tackles the theme „Particularities of artistic education in formal, non-formal and informal systems”
Editor, responsible for the issue: Prof. PhD. Eugenia Maria Pasca,"George Enescu" National University of Arts Iasi, Romania / founder director / editor-in-chief

The deadline for submitting the articles is 30th of October 2024.



Review it is published
by De Gruyter/Sciendo Open between is published in the 2016-2023

Center of Intercultural Studies
and Researches,

Department for Teachers Education

Ștefania Moga
Language Editors
Translation Centre “Universum”, Iași, Romania

Carmen Elena Antochi
Desktop Publishing

General Informations
Year of Release: 2011

©2024 "George Enescu" National University of Arts Iasi, Romania
ISSN = 2501 - 238X
ISSN–L = 2069 - 7554
ISSN = 2069 - 7554

Format: print, electronic abstract and full text

Releases/year: 2
DOI: 10.1515 / RAE-2016
DOI: 10.1515 / RAE-2017
DOI: 10.2478 / RAE-2018
DOI: 10.2478 / RAE-2019
DOI: 10.2478 / rae-2020
DOI: 10.2478 / rae-2021
DOI: 10.2478 / rae-2022
DOI: 10.2478 / rae-2023
DOI: 10.35218 / rae-2024

©2024 Artes Publishing House - "George Enescu" National University of Arts
Str. Costache Negruzzi 7-9, 700126, Iaşi, Romania

Tel.: 0040-232.276.462
Fax: 0040-232.212.551 (rectorat)


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