Review of Artistic Education. Number: 22 Year: 2021

Review of Artistic Education. Number: 22 Year: 2021

Journal Code:  Review of Artistic Education - 10.2478          
Issue Information
Number: 22
Cover Date (month and year): 06.2020


Individual Article Information


Filename: Review of Artistic Education - 10.2478 / 22 / 2021 / 22_paper.pdf

DOI: 10.2478 / rae-2021-0022

Title: Musical instruments in Renaissance paintings

Author(s): Aurelia Simion

Affiliation(s): Professor PhD., “George Enescu” National University of Arts from Iaşi, Romania

Abstract: Art, the language of ideas and concepts, comprises a multitude of means of manifestation through sound, word, color, gesture, etc., between which there is often an interconnection. This article highlights some aspects of the aesthetics of the Renaissance period in which artists, starting from Italy, focused on realism and human emotion in art, but also on the interconnection between two arts - painting and music. In this sense, we turned our attention to identifying the symbolic role of the musical instruments of that period represented in paintings by some notable masters from Italy, Flanders and Germany.

Key words: musical instruments, masters, art, Renaissance



Filename: Review of Artistic Education - 10.2478 / 22 / 2021 / 23_paper.pdf

DOI: 10.2478 / rae-2021-0023


Author(s): Aliona Brițchi

Affiliation(s): Associate Professor PhD, "Alecu Russo" State University from Bălți, Republic of Moldavia

Abstract: This article deals with the development of artistic and imaginative thinking, imagination and the creation of an artistic image in fine arts lessons using a graphic image. An example of a lesson for elementary school students on creating a mysterious tree image is given, which will help the teacher develop the ability of his students to see and creatively realize their ideas.

Keys words: artistic-figurative thinking, artistic image, visual activity, imagination, graphics, line, contour, spot, primary school students



Filename: Review of Artistic Education - 10.2478 / 22 / 2021 / 24_paper.pdf

DOI: 10.2478 / rae-2021-0024

Title:   Theoretical considerations on skills for fine arts

Author(s): Ana-Maria Aprotosoaie-Iftimi

Affiliation(s): Lecturer PhD., “George Enescu” National University of Arts from Iaşi, Romania

Abstract: Every person has many qualities that help him/her to obtain more or less good results in different fields of activity. Some easily get good results in drawing or gymnastics, others easily learn math or languages. Generally, when a child achieves high performance in a field he/she is said to have skills. Knowing the skills specific to the field, identifying them in the process of guiding the child, their development and refinement are evolutionary aspects to be neglected in educational practice.

Key words: skills, abilities, predispositions, fine arts, education



Filename: Review of Artistic Education - 10.2478 / 22 / 2021 / 25_paper.pdf

DOI: 10.2478 / rae-2021-0025


Author(s): Alina Viorela Mocanu

Affiliation(s): Candidate Doctoral, Free International University from Chișinău, Republic of  Moldavia

Abstract: In the context of the flagrant mistakes that are encountered in ecclesiastical painting and the lack of basic knowledge in this field, this study comes to present how Hermeneia has evolved throughout history. Starting from the Byzantine period, passing through the post-Byzantine period and reaching to the present day, Hermeneia and her predecessors, manuscripts and sketchbooks, aimed to help and maintain a canonical-artistic-ecclesial unity throughout the Orthodox Christian area. Another aspect of the article presents some ways of approaching Hermeneia from various points of view: technical, iconographic-illustrative, compositional, academic and theological. Throughout history, Hermeneia has been synthesized and structured in such a way as to provide a maximum of information but its volume should not be difficult to use by iconographers.

Key words: Hermeneia, Byzantine, art, manuscript, izvod



Filename: Review of Artistic Education - 10.2478 / 22 / 2021 / 26_paper.pdf

DOI: 10.2478 / RAE-2021-0026


Author(s):  Cătălin Soreanu

Affiliation(s): Lecturer PhD., “George Enescu” National University of Arts from Iaşi, Romania

Abstract: This article investigates the relationship between art and technology, pointing the constants of a process of cultural digestion which is mediated by the very sovereign technological environment – the Internet. Relying on the multiplicity and hybridization of the content formats, and also on the user involved interactivity as constructive vector-relationships, new media art and the internet art are natural consequences of the artistic practices of creative appropriation of contemporary technological media. As the complexity of the relationship between art and the technological environment becomes richer than ever, we assist to the creation of a contemporary ultra-technological culture, structurally dependent on the media and responsible for relativizing the critical positioning of the art consumer. Defining the premises of the interaction with a technologically interfaced world of art, the user (reader) of the Internet as a medium of expression is – equally – a consumer, and a producer of information (content).

Key words: internet, medium of expression, new media art, technology



Filename: Review of Artistic Education - 10.2478 / 22 / 2021 / 27_paper.pdf

DOI: 10.2478 / RAE-2021-0027


Author(s): Eleonora Florea, Alina Viorela Mocanu

Affiliation(s): Professor PhD., Academy of Music, Theatre, Fine Arts from Chişinău, Republic of Moldavia, Candidate Doctoral, Free International University from Chișinău, Republic of  Moldavia

Abstract: In the current situation, when the majority of the planet is urged to tolerate and accept, to promote peace and respect for other people and theyr choices, and culture, our fellow men in Egypt, Coptic Christians are fighting an unprecedented struggle against oppressors who demolish their churches and try to destroy their faith. Although we are far away physically, we cannot remain indifferent to what is happening to the cultural heritage they are trying to keep alive. This article reminds us of the wonderful artistic treasures found in Coptic culture.

Key words: copt, necropolă, pictură, Capela Exodului



Filename: Review of Artistic Education - 10.2478 / 22 / 2021 / 28_paper.pdf

DOI: 10.2478 / rae-2021-0028

Title: Use of Standard/Simplified Graphic Language for Development: A Communication Challenge

Author(s): Sylvester Zifegha Ebigbagha

Affiliation(s): Professor PhD., Niger Delta University from Wilberforce Island, Bayelsa State, Nigeria

Abstract: The decision to use standard, or simplified graphic language for development communication is usually problematic as a result of target audience conditions in developing countries that make presentation of a full range of development messages with uniformity across cultural delineations difficult. A rash decision often result in production of ineffective media with grave consequences for structural and human growth. Therefore, this paper focused on the communication challenge of utilizing standard/simplified graphic language for advancement. It employed a triangulation of the Critical-Historical-Analytic examination, and Content analysis methods. The paper started with the need to make informed decision on the use standard/simplified graphic language appropriate for receivers. Furthermore, it examined the role/activities of communication actors in campaign situation using the Shuttle models. Moreover, it considered target audience conditions with particular attention to illiteracy, and visual perception across cultural boundaries. And it evidenced the deployment of standard/simplified graphic language for campaigns in Africa. The paper found that target audience pretest is the panacea for decisive use of standard/simplified graphic language appropriate for target audience; and ended with the need to adopt participatory communication practices that afford its realization.

Key words: Communication challenge, Development initiatives, Audience conditions, Use of standard or simplified graphic language, Target audience evaluation



Filename: Review of Artistic Education - 10.2478 / 22 / 2021 / 29_paper.pdf

DOI: 10.2478 / rae-2021-0029

Title: The landscape - a system of plastic expressions

Author(s): Iarîna Savițkaia-Baraghin

Affiliation(s): Associate Professor PhD., Academy of Music, Theatre, Fine Arts from Chişinău, Republic of Moldavia

Abstract: The principles of mastering landscape painting, applied by past masters, as well as theoretical elaborations in the field of chromatics, psychology and pedagogy of the arts, become important components in the improvement of outdoor painting in contemporary conditions.

Key words: landscape, plain-air, study, painting, composition



Filename: Review of Artistic Education - 10.2478 / 22 / 2021 / 30_paper.pdf

DOI: 10.2478 / rae-2021-0030

Title: The presence of the phenomenon of artistic synesthesia in painting

Author(s): Eleonora Florea, Stela Cojocaru

Affiliation(s): Professor PhD., Academy of Music, Theatre, Fine Arts from Chişinău, Republic of Moldavia, Candidate Doctoral, Free International University from Chișinău, Republic of Moldavia Abstract: The present study elucidates the presence of the phenomenon of artistic synesthesia in painting, describes the types of synesthesia and their effects, sensory symbiotic relationships, correlations with different genres of art: dance, music, literature. Early art forms were initially distinguished by an archaic and primary syncretism, being interconnected and dependent on each other. Subsequently, during the historical evolution, these artistic forms were dispersed in separate art genres, while preserving this specific intermediarity and interrelation, of artistic synesthesia. Synesthetic phenomena in painting are stylistically interconnected with music, dance, literature.

Key words: synesthesia, sensory symbiosis, synesthetic perception, psychedelic painting, musical painting



Filename: Review of Artistic Education - 10.2478 / 22 / 2021 / 31_paper.pdf

DOI: 10.2478 / RAE-2021-0031

Title: Iași Art Residency International Artist Residency Program. American artist-in-residence John Dillard

Author(s): Ioana Palamar  

Affiliation(s): Assistante PhD., “George Enescu” National University of Arts from Iaşi, Romania Abstract: Iași Art Residency is an artistic residency program that takes place in Iasi and involves the monthly invitation of an international visual artist, in order to materialize a specific art project related to the experience lived in the cultural space of Iasi. The program aims to connect the students of the Faculty of Visual Arts and Design within “George Enescu” National University of Arts in Iași with the invited artists, in order to exchange artistic experiences. This article will briefly present the activity of the American resident artist John Dillard whuch took place here, in Iasi, in January and February 2019.

Key words: residency, international, collaboration, culture, art



Filename: Review of Artistic Education - 10.2478 / 22 / 2021 / 32_paper.pdf

DOI: 10.2478 / rae-2021-0032


Author(s): Marinela Rusu

Affiliation(s): Researcher PhD. and visual artist, Romanian Academy, Institute ”Gheorghe Zane” from Iași Branch, Romania

Abstract: Communication skills are one of the most important educational elements today. Current education has already included communication competencies as independent objectives in the education of young generations. Communication is a multidisciplinary existential basis and that is why its understanding is not easy, and must be approached scientifically, conceptually and structurally. This paper aims to emphasize the importance of communication in the teaching-learning process and its direct correlation with school success but also with success in life. Teachers need communication more than anyone. Their verbal communication occupies 70% of a class lesson (Haslett, 1987). The appeal to the elements of emotional intelligence, to the motivation / interests of the students, becomes a necessity and at the same time they are constituted as factors that can improve and make efficient the didactic communication. In this paper we will analyze the main functions of teacher-student communication (guidance, information and thought challenge). There are described other elements that can also contribute to better communication in the classroom: active presentation of topics, providing summaries, resumption of main ideas, clarity of presentation (sentence logic, examples and explanations), assessment of comprehension deficiencies and their correction, frequently asked questions. All these aspects have proved, through the studies carried out, that they are positively correlated with the students' results.

         The verbal communication of the educator is always accompanied by the elements of non-verbal communication that have an important role in achieving an effective instructive-educational process. In this regard, we can mention a few essential components: posture, gestures, facial expressions, style of dressing, tone of voice, all of which can incite or divert the listener's attention. Another important element in effectiveness of the didactic communication is the knowledge of the cultural, economic and social environment from which the students come, their specific characteristics. The interaction will be more plausible, accessible to the student, when well known, culturally familiar aspects are inserted in the complex process of teacher-student communication. The integration of cultural diversity in didactic communication has become a stringent requirement of modern education.

Key words:  didactic communication, efficiency, competencies, non-verbal communication, cultural environment



Filename: Review of Artistic Education - 10.2478 / 22 / 2021 / 33_paper.pdf

DOI: 10.2478 / rae-2021-0033

Title: Education for change

Author(s): Ona Ionica Anghel

Affiliation(s): Lecturer PhD., “George Enescu” National University of Arts from Iaşi, Romania Abstract: Specialists in extremely diverse fields draw our attention to a wide range of problems facing humanity, problems that are global, universal, multidisciplinary, with priority: pollution, poverty, depletion of natural resources, war in unseen forms of humanity, pandemic, information explosion, etc. What they all have in common is that their dynamics are accelerated. Even if change is a natural phenomenon, a phenomenon that supports evolution and development, starting with the end of the twentieth century and more and more acute today, there is an acceleration of the rhytm of change in all areas of life. Specialists believe that new content is now needed more than ever to provide the information and skills needed to deal with these problems, content that offers new dimensions of education. This paper aims on the one hand to review the paradigms and theories that could build the trunk of education for change (progressivism and prospectivism), and on the other hand, to list and describe the purposes of an education for change, as pedagogues put us in the theme.

Key words: issues of the contemporary world, change, goals, educational strategies



Filename: Review of Artistic Education - 10.2478 / 22 / 2021 / 34_paper.pdf

DOI: 10.2478 / rae-2021-0034

Title: The humor as a form of artistic expression in education

Author(s): Marius Costel Eși

Affiliation(s): Lecturer PhD., ”Stefan cel Mare” University from Suceava, Romania

Abstract: The relevance of the idea of humor at the social level expresses, from our viewpoint, the need to understand, assume and, why not, use it at the level of social communities. Under these conditions, we consider the usefulness and functionality/applicability of such an idea in educational terms, and in particular, at the level of the class of students. Such an idea is the very idea of humor as it is found in the educational dimension. Moreover, our interest is focused upon seeing and to what extent, the idea of humor can be considered to be an art, if we consider stylized / "aestheticized", artistic, expressive criteria. That is why, the assumed purpose of this approach that we have achieved consists in an exhaustive analysis of the idea of humor and, implicitly, of the art of humor in education, as well as of the way in which it manifests and it is recognized at the educational level.

Key words: humor as art, educational humor, educational actors, educational pragmatism



Filename: Review of Artistic Education - 10.2478 / 22 / 2021 / 35_paper.pdf

DOI: 10.2478 / rae-2021-0035


Author(s): Viorica Crișciuc

Affiliation(s): Associate Professor PhD., „Alecu Russo” State University from Bălţi, Republic of  Moldavia

Abstract: Currently, the education system in the Republic of Moldova is in a specific political, economic, value, demographic context and is periodically influenced by external factors: globalization, internationalization, computerization, etc. At the same time, there are continuous changes in the education system at the level of educational policies, in accordance with the political system of the Republic of Moldova: decentralization of managerial functions, financing the system per student, reconstruction of networks of educational institutions, resizing continuous training of managers and teachers. Through the reforms launched during 2009-2020 by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research of the Republic of Moldova, in cooperation with development partners, they changed their emphasis in education in favor of quality and, respectively, the process of evaluating student results. Updating the National Curriculum made in accordance with the fundamental support Reference framework of the National Curriculum, Basic Curriculum: competency system for general education, analytical support School curriculum evaluation report, etc. and the managerial support provided by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research of the Republic of Moldova, favored a modern educational system with obvious results in national evaluations.

Key words: the education system, globalization, internationalization, computerization, results in national evaluations



Filename: Review of Artistic Education - 10.2478 / 22 / 2021 / 36_paper.pdf

DOI: 10.2478 / rae-2021-0036


Author(s): Tatiana Bularga

Affiliation(s): Associate Professor PhD., „Alecu Russo” State University from Bălţi, Republic of  Moldavia

Abstract: In our statements we proceed from the reality that the artistic activity differs much from other human activities through its ontological specifics, which requires taking into account the opportunities and challenges that arise in individual potential manifestation of the child, act that expresses by transposing the theoretical prescriptions into practical actions indisputable by the presence of emotional-affective reactions, by developing projects and logistical maps of action, is not waiting for certain stimuli coming from outside, but by enhancing the artistic intentions and decisions of child – subjects of education. In efforts to design the implementation process of innovative artistic praxeology we emerged from the assumption that TDA (teacher’s didactic action) and PAA (pupil artistic action) become fundamental values ​​of the integration of theory and praxeology in perspective of an effective education, provided that they  be widely used both horizontally and vertically, according to the pentagonal model consisting of  principles: proactivity,  artistic intro-opening, creation/creativity, of success, re-conceptualizing and instrumented in modern theoretical and methodological perspectives.

Key words: artistic activity, proactivity, artistic intro-opening, creation/creativity, success, innovative artistic praxeology, integration of theory and praxeology



Filename: Review of Artistic Education - 10.2478 / 22 / 2021 / 37_paper.pdf

DOI: 10.2478 / Rae-2021-0037


Author(s): Marina Cosumov

Affiliation(s): Associate Professor PhD., „Alecu Russo” State University from Bălţi, Republic of  Moldavia

Abstract: Education in contemporary society is a strategic resource for sustainable human development, in a space and time determined from a historical, political, cultural, socio-economic point of view, etc. Lifelong learning has become a fundamental requirement of society under these conditions. Learning to learn and wanting to continually improve are requirements of lifelong learning; responding to them, man learns to be receptive to change, able to anticipate and adapt to them, offering himself as a participant in the process of social evolution due to his intellectual and moral autonomy. The design, organization, functioning and development of the education system in the Republic of Moldova aims at the complementary quality of extracurricular education that takes place in educational institutions and aims to develop the cognitive, affective and action potential of children and young people, to respond to their interests and options for free and its ability to provide additional opportunities for information, documentation, communication, development, social inclusion and self-realization.

Key words: education system, lifelong learning, education / extracurricular education, educational context



Filename: Review of Artistic Education - 10.2478 / 22 / 2021 / 38_paper.pdf

DOI: 10.2478 / rae-2021-0038

Title: Metacognitive competences and implicit theories of intelligence in relation with school achievement

Author(s): Adina Petronela Vechiu, Nicoleta Laura Popa

Affiliation(s): Candidate Doctoral, Professor PhD. habil., „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University from Iasi, Romania,

Abstract: This study aims to explore the relation between metacognitive competences, implicit theories of intelligence and school achievement among lower secondary students. The group of participants included 120 students from Iași County, with different socio-economic backgrounds. Participants completed two measures, Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (Schraw & Dennison, 1994) and Implicit Theories of Intelligence Questionnaire (Dweck, 2000). School achievement was defined as annual average grades, and family socio-economic background was self-reported. Students from socio-economic disadvantaged families scored lower for metacognitive competence, and self-reported fixed mindset beliefs, in contrast with students with favourable socio-economic family background. Therewith, metacognitive competences and implicit theories of intelligence are significant predictors of school achievement.

Key words: metacognitive competences, implicit theories of intelligence, school achievement



Filename: Review of Artistic Education - 10.2478 / 22 / 2021 / 39_paper.pdf

DOI: 10.2478 / rae-2021-0039

Title: The education and social integration of the human individual

Author(s): Oana Mariana Ciuchi

Affiliation(s): Associate  Professor  PhD., ”Petre Andrei”  University from Iași, Politehnica University from București, Romania

Abstract: This paper presents the importance of the action of the educational phenomenon in the formation / development / transformation and social insertion of the human individual. In this sense, we consider the relationship between the development of the human individual (particularly the child) and its formation throughout life. At the same time, within this research approach we will present in detail the role of the schooling stage for becoming a personality able to integrate properly and harmoniously in various environments / social contexts.

Key words: education; training; development; schooling; integration / social insertion



Filename: Review of Artistic Education - 10.2478 / 22 / 2021 / 40_paper.pdf

DOI: 10.2478 / rae-2021-0040

Title: Successful music performer’s personality traits

Author(s): Dorina Geta Iușcă

Affiliation(s): Associate Professor PhD., “George Enescu” National University of Arts from Iaşi, Romania

Abstract: Music-education practice has revealed the fact that, in order to become a successful music performer, not only certain physical and perceptive attributes (such as the amplitude of open palm, thoracic capacity, rhythmic accuracy, musical hearing), but a series of personality traits related to the complexity of social, cognitive and emotional activities associated to music performance are also needed. Scientific research focused on high quality music performers’ personality traits has been generated by a series of stereotypes that had been developed across time in the musical world. For example, it has often been said (Woody, 1999) that trumpet players are proud, impetuous, detached and dominating, whereas woodwind players are more feminine, more intelligent and shyer. The present study aims to review the most relevant experiments related to the personality profile of the successful music performer. A growing body of research has discovered ten important traits: androgyny, originality, independence, self-motivation, perseverance, sensibility, high capacity of interpersonal communication, extroversion, the need for attention, and trait anxiety. I discuss about a series of educational implications of this personality profile in connection to the development of a successful career in academic music. Discovering and developing these traits early on could be an essential support in creating an exceptional educational path in vocal and instrumental music performance.

Key words: personality traits, stereotypes, successful musical career



Review it is published
by De Gruyter/Sciendo Open between is published in the 2016-2023

Center of Intercultural Studies
and Researches,

Department for Teachers Education

Ștefania Moga
Language Editors
Translation Centre “Universum”, Iași, Romania

Carmen Elena Antochi
Desktop Publishing

General Informations
Year of Release: 2011

©2024 "George Enescu" National University of Arts Iasi, Romania
ISSN = 2501 - 238X
ISSN–L = 2069 - 7554
ISSN = 2069 - 7554

Format: print, electronic abstract and full text

Releases/year: 2
DOI: 10.1515 / RAE-2016
DOI: 10.1515 / RAE-2017
DOI: 10.2478 / RAE-2018
DOI: 10.2478 / RAE-2019
DOI: 10.2478 / rae-2020
DOI: 10.2478 / rae-2021
DOI: 10.2478 / rae-2022
DOI: 10.2478 / rae-2023
DOI: 10.35218 / rae-2024

©2024 Artes Publishing House - "George Enescu" National University of Arts
Str. Costache Negruzzi 7-9, 700126, Iaşi, Romania

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